Please find a summary of parking regulations in the City of Casper. For a complete accounting of the regulations, please look up Chapter 10 of the city's Municipal Code.

The Casper Parking Manual outlines all parking permits and identifies the snow routes that affect parking in Casper. The snow routes will be identified with signs.
Casper Parking Manual

Applying for Permits

ONLINE:  Parking permits can be applied for online.  You can access the online application using the City of Casper Self Service Portal link below.  Also provided below is a link to a handbook explaining how to register in the online portal.

City of Casper Self Service Portal
Self-Service Portal Guide

In Person:  You may also apply for parking permits in person at City Hall.  RV parking permits are applied for with the City Clerk's Office and you will visit the Engineering Division's office for all other permits. 

City Hall
200 North David
City Clerk's Office:  Room 104
Engineering Office:  Room 205

Downtown Parking

Parking downtown is limited to two hours in any one space or block face between 8:00 AM and 5:00 PM on weekdays.  This limit applies to all spaces, including handicap parking unless they are permanent, reserved spaces.  A block face is defined as a portion of a street or highway between to intersections, including all on-street parking along both sides of the street or highway within such boundaries.  Parking on the street is prohibited from 3 a.m. to 6 a.m., seven days a week.

Recreational Vehicles and Trailers

The owner of a recreational vehicle must get a special permit if they want to park their RV on the street for more than five days in a 30 day period. The permit requires permission of the nearby homeowners, which Casper Police Department will handle obtaining. The permits only apply to the space immediately in front of the owner's house. Permits cannot be issued for homes on arterial or collector streets. These rules also apply to trailers that are more than 20 feet long, and to trailers that are 4.5 feet high.


Parkway Parking

The "parkway" is the area between the curb and the sidewalk. Parkway parking allows the parking of a vehicle on the non-sidewalk portion of a parkway in the front of the lot, or, for a corner lot, on the street side of the lot owned by the applicant.  Parkway permits are NOT eligible for parkways on streets where there is at least two (2) twelve (12) feet travel lanes and two (2) eight (8) feet parking lanes can be maintained. Parkway permit applications will require a mandatory site inspection. There is a hard surface requirement at the property owner's expense. The specifications can be found in the Casper Parking Manual.

Loading Zone Parking Permits

These spaces are designated specifically for use by individuals loading and/or unloading merchandise and materials.

Critical Parking - Schools/Neighborhood Overflow Parking Permits

These spaces are designated for use by individuals in residential districts who are severely impacted by high volume of traffic created by the proximity to schools, or homes within the same block face or five hundred (500) feet, whichever is greater, whose owners and or occupants have a total of four (4) or more vehicles and/or R.V.'s.  A critical parking-school parking/neighborhood overflow parking permit allows the permit holder to park on the street in a critical parking area adjacent to the permit holders' residence.


Snow Emergency Regulations

The ordinance designates certain streets to be Snow Emergency Routes. The intent is to make snow clearing faster and more effective. This allows snow plows to clear the road all the way to the curb.

Under the rules, no parking will be allowed on snow routes during a snow emergency. When four or more inches of snow is predicted, the City can declare a snow emergency. Once the emergency is declared, residents will be given four hours to move their vehicles from parking spaces along the streets of these designated snow routes.



Typical parking fines are as follows:

General Parking Violations

First violation in a in a calendar year


Second violation in a calendar year


Third violation in a calendar year


Specific Parking Violations

Parking in a handicapped parking space without proper identification


Parking in critical parking - school space without proper identification


Parking on a designated snow route street during a snow emergency


Parking on a street in the Downtown Business District between the hours of 3:00 AM and 6:00 AM


Parking without current registration or license


Abuse or violation of the various parking limits
